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National Vegetable Society

The National Vegetable Society - NVS at Fairfield

West Midlands District Association (DA) Fruit in the Garden or Allotment The next meeting of the West Midlands District Association (DA) of the National Vegetable Society (NVS) will be held at Fairfield Village Hall on Thursday 30th November at 8.00pm.

The hall will be open at 7.00 pm. for setting up, refreshments, general discussion with members and chance to catch up with NVS news.

The speaker for the evening is Gerry Edwards and the talk is entitled Apple and Pear Growing in the Garden or Allotment.He will cover rootstocks, pollination, types of trees, varieties, pest and disease management.

Gerry is Chairman of the RHS Fruit Group, Vice Chairman of the RHS Fruit, Vegetable and Herb Committee, an RHS Fruit Judge, Fruit Advisor and Apple Identifier, and an NVS judge. He also writes the fruit articles for Simply Vegetables Magazine.

With such an extensive knowledge of fruit, we are fortunate that Gerry will also answer questions and give advice on growing all types of fruit. So come armed with your questions on Raspberries, Loganberries, Blackberries, Gooseberries, all types of Currants, Apricots, Peaches, Plums and some of the more not so common Cultivars.

Members will be on hand before and after the talk, to offer advice and ideas on growing Vegetables or to answer any specific questions that anyone may like to ask. There will be NVS books and growing guides on sale.

New NVS Members are welcome and there will be an opportunity to learn about other events and activities of the NVS both nationally and more specifically within the Midland Region.

Anyone interested in growing FRUIT or VEGETABLES are most welcome to attend. For non NVS members there is a £3 admission fee which includes Tea/Coffee and Biscuits.

Fairfield Village Hall is situated on the B4091 (Stourbridge to Bromsgrove Road) about 2.25 miles from J4 on the M5. For anyone using Sat. Nav, the Post Code of the Village Hall is B61 9LZ. If anyone requires a map, directions or other information please contact Roy James on Tel: 01527 831508 or email (preferred).

If you have any queries regarding this event, please contact Roy James as per the information above.


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